C.W. Isaac
Peace on Earth is Achievable Now, I Promise.
Humanity’s majority still believes peace is unrealistic, unattainable, and they are incapable of reaching peace by themselves. However, I assure you these long-held beliefs are untrue.
I know this because it’s my message, my purpose, why I’m on Earth. I am here to disclose and deliver Humanity’s highest Truths. Then, they can awaken to facilitate peace.
Truths showing who Humanity is and who they were before living on Earth. Truths providing Clarity and Hope, so they can peacefully exist as One again.
Again? Yes, whether it’s remembered or not, Humanity previously lived on Earth in unified harmony.
You will discover these Truths within My Calling, My Quest. A true story about the fantastic venture I and another took together to secure Humanity’s achievement of peace.
Join us now… let the journey begin.

About the Author
C.W. Isaac
Ms. Isaac is a teacher, speaker, thinking-outside-of-the-box, problem-solving solution seeker. Her vision is for Humanity to live United as One. Her mission is to inspire Humanity’s achievement of peace, through the opening of hearts, minds, and dialogues. In a world where we fear for the future of Planet Earth and our children, she delivers hope to us all by eloquently disclosing the magnificence of our origin.
Ms. Isaac’s most endearing quality is her faith in Humanity. She is a steadfast enthusiast and passionate advocate because more than anyone, she believes in our ability to facilitate peace. She proves her allegiance through her daily commitment to prioritize the needs and wellbeing of Humanity above all else, including herself.
My Calling, My Quest (Truth) is the first installment of a series of books Ms. Isaac has written to illustrate and remind us about the brilliance we possess to peacefully exist. For additional information you can visit her at www.MyCallingMyQuest.com.