“The Pathless Path”

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Eric Blaser


Are you confused, unfulfilled, and afraid to change your life?

If you feel called to a greater life but aren’t sure where to start, this book is for you.  

Author Eric Blaser was in a job he used to love, so why did he start to feel as if it was sucking the life out of him? What was this growing sense that there must be more, much more? Armed with a violin, an unfinished screenplay, and an old boat, he risked a six-month sabbatical in a small island community in the Pacific Northwest and started looking for answers. 

Nothing went as planned. 

He found the courage to explore his life and discovered a remarkable gift, which he shares in The Pathless Path. Eric reveals his story and insights, showing you how to break through confusion and fear to find clarity and inner peace.  

You’ll discover how to: 

  • Take the first step—commitment 
  • Practice listening for and trusting your inner voice 
  • Reconnect to the healing power of nature 
  • Clarify and prioritize your values 
  • Recognize the new fulfilling life and career that are waiting for you 

Join Eric on a journey of self-discovery, one in which the path discovers you in the next chapter of life.  


ISBN: 979-8-9920502-1-9
Publication date: January 24, 2024
Page Count: 186
List Price: $15.56/$4.99
Formats Available:PAPERBACK, EBOOK


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About the Author

Eric Blaser

Eric A. Blaser is an inspiring life coach and author with a background in horticulture. As a garden coach, he’s helped hundreds of people co-create their dream gardens. His passion is encouraging people to overcome obstacles and find clarity and purpose in life.